Sunday, September 28, 2008

A few updates....

This picture is of my newest niece, Keziah. She is almost 2 months old and is so precious. I thought I would update you all on a couple of things I have blogged about. First, London is all better. After a trip to the dr. office, she did have double pink eye and she also had a sinus and ear infection. So, we got an oral antibiotic that helped alot. Within like 12 hours her eyes looked almost normal.

Secondly, Cali is fully potty-trained. She is only wearing pull-ups at night but I think we can maybe cut them out soon because she always wakes up dry. We are so excited and praise her often for doing so good now. I knew it when she asked to go potty while we were at a furniture store and she went poo-poo. The fact that she didn't get freaked out that we weren't at home. Yeah!!!!!

Lastly, I had my first week with my sister as my co-worker. I think it went very well and we are both excited to finish out the year. So, all is good in the Bray household for now.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting crafty!!

Well I am learning to do things a little bit more crafty like all my sister-in-loves (Misty with her mad scrapbooking skills; Sherri with some sewing, picture-taking, and cake-decorating skills; and of course there's Jennifer that can sew,knit, or make anything!!). They are always doing the neatest things. So, a couple of weeks ago I had found these decorated cardboard letters that are Cali's initials for just $1. So, I thought I would just hang them the way they were until today when I got an idea. I was at the dollar tree and found these white frames that these letters would fit in. So, after I got home, I pulled out some scrapbooking paper that was sitting unused and cut a background for my letters. I added a touch of ribbon and string and now I have them looking much nicer than I could have thought. I feel pretty proud of myself and even prouder that I only did it for $6. Yeah me!!! So, here they are for my precious Cali Payton Bray.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pink Eye

My poor baby London has pink eye. I first noticed it on Saturday and was hoping maybe it was allergies or something, but it's definitely pink eye. Until last night it was just her left eye but now it has spread to her right one too. It's so sad because this morning when she woke up her eyes were stuck shut from the yellow gunk. :( I know you thinking why haven't I taken her to the dr. yet but we waited because her 15 month check-up is tomorrow. We did try and get her in today, but my dr. isn't there on Mondays and they wouldn't do the check-up without her there and we are cheap and didn't want to pay two $40 co-pays. But she goes tomorrow and will get so drops to clear it up. I did look on-line for maybe some home remedies but they were like put milk soaked bread on your eye and other wierd stuff like that. London would flip if I tried to do that. So hopefully she'll get better soon. The girls did get to stay home with daddy today because I had to work. London couldn't go to the sitter so he called in. I know they had so much fun spending some extra time with him. Here's a picture of her red eyes.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Great news!!!!

Well, some of you may know that I am doing a job share at my school. Me and another teacher have done it the last two years. We trade off working days each week. It has been such a blessing with our girls being so young still. Well, last Thursday she told me she was moving to California because her husband got hired to be a youth pastor there. I was excited for her but was totally bummed thinking I was going to have to work full-time again. Anyways, as I was talking to my sister about this, she said she might be interested in maybe working with me (she had just resigned in July because she wanted to stay home with her new baby). Anyways, this week my teacher friend told our principal and told her about my sister. I called my principal yesterday and just asked her what her thoughts were about everything and really I was thinking she would want me to work full-time. But she didn't, she asked about my sister and said to have her call her so they could talk. So, this morning my sister came to the school at 9:00 a.m. to talk to her. Then at 9:10 a.m. my sister came in my classroom and said she just got hired!!!!!! I was so excited and totally believe this was God's hand in all of our lives! Only His timing is this perfect. So that is my great news!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rockin' out

Last Saturday we were priviliged to have a date night with Michael and Sherri (Lance's brother). We have made it a tradition to go see Counting Crows when they come through Dallas together. We had a great dinner at one of our favorite places, Blue Mesa and then off to our concert. Augustana and Maroon 5 also played, so that was cool. Michael got us great seats that were closer than we have ever been! Here's a few pics of our mellow rockin' out band.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A little something for me...

This morning a friend of mine, Melissa, and I went to visit a MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-schoolers). At first we were both a little hesitant, but ended up really enjoying it. Cali and her little friend Sophie went to the 3's class and learned about things that God made. They each came home with a baggie of dirt, rocks, and nuts that they had found. So cute...... London did good too just playing. Melissa and I enjoyed a nice quiet cup of coffee and uninterrupted conversation with other moms. It was wonderful. We met some really nice ladies that were encouraging and in the same walk of life that we are. So, if you want to try a MOPS group for yourself you can look on-line for the one nearest you.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On our way.....

With encouragement from family, we have started a blog to see what happens with us. I thought I would just start with what has been happening the last two days. Our little Cali has proved to be a little harder at potty training than we thought! We have been really trying since June and she's done okay. She has been scared to go poopoo in her potty and had many accidents until recently. With encouragement from candy, she has gone in her potty the last two days. We are very proud of her and hope this continues. With London still in diapers, it would be sooooo nice to only buy for one child. Here's Cali celebrating with a big smile!!